THE GREAT SERVE, de Lilyanah Demar es el distribuidor de alimentos, bebidas y útiles para el servicio más completo, dedicado y fiel a los libros. Además ofrece distintas recetas goreanas para que el servicio de tu Amo/a sea no sólo perfecto, sino impresionante. (Toca la imagen de la tienda para ver todos sus productos en SLEXCHANGE). [The Great Serve, The Great Serve, Hunters IV (182, 93, 491)]
El siguiente texto ha sido traducido de la nota "Boleto's Guide to Drinks", confeccionada a partir de una recopilación del pergamino del Ubar Luther nº7 y los textos de los siguientes sitios web:
Desde la Escuela de Argos para esclavos animamos a los esclavos y los Libres a utilizar como fuente de aprendizaje sólo textos que estén convenientemente documentados, que incluyan las citas de dónde se extrae la información de manera que pueda ser convenientemente verificada.
Para cualquier corrección o comentario sobre la traducción, dirigirse a Nogr Sohl.
CERVEZA (eng, Ale) *

Almacenamiento: cámara fría
Se guarda en: barril
Recipiente: jarra o cuerno/copa o cáliz
Textura: dorado oscuro, sabor ligeramente amargo y seco al paladar
Elaboración: se fermenta a partir de Sa-Tarna y otros granos como el lúpulo
Almacenamiento: barriles junto a la chimenea
Se guarda: en barriles cerca del fuego
Recipiente: jarra o cuerno/copa o cáliz
Textura: dorado oscuro, sabor ligeramente amargo y seco al paladar
Elaboración: se fermenta a partir de Sa-Tarna y otros granos como el lúpulo
The Forkbeard himself now, from a wooden keg, poured a great tankard of ale, which must have been of the measure of five gallons. Over this he then closed his fist. It was the sign of the hammer, the sign of Thor. The tankard then, with two great bronze handles, was passed from hands to hands among the rowers. The men threw back their heads and, the liquid spilling down their bodies, drank ale. It was the victory ale.
-- Marauders of Gor, 82
"The Forkbeard greets you!" shouted Ivar. I blinked. The hall was light. I had not understood it to be so large. At the tables, lifting ale and knives to the Forkbeard were more than a thousand men.
-- Marauders of Gor, 194

Un desayuno común que se toma en las festividades goreanas es a base de tarta y té de Bazi. Hay además una forma de servicio más formal y tradicional. El té se vierte en tres tazas pequeñas que se beben en una sucesión rápida. Se añaden varios tipos de azúcar y leche. Éste tipo de servicio rara vez se realiza en una taberna de paga. Es más habitual realizarlo el hogar para poder disfrutar del rito.
Tea is extremely important to the nomads. It is served hot and highly sugared. It gives strength then, in virtue of the sugar, and cools them, by making them sweat, as well as stimulating them. It is drunk three small cups at a time, carefully measured.
-- Tribesmen of Gor, 38
Is it ready? I asked. I looked at the tiny copper kettle on the small stand. A tiny kaiila dung fire burned under it. A small, heavy, curved glass was nearby, on a flat box, which would hold some two ounces of the tea. Bazi tea is drunk in tiny glasses, usually three at a time, carefully measured. She did not make herself tea, of course... She lifted the kettle from the fire and, carefully, poured me a tiny glass of tea.
-- Tribesmen of Gor, 139
I sipped my Bazi tea, and looked at him, over the rim of the bowl. He, too, looked at me, and sipped his tea.
-- Beasts of Gor, 304

Thentis no comercia con sus granos. Allí se sirve generalmente en las casas de las Castas Altas. Fuera de la región de Thentis es un producto sumamente caro, que sólo los adinerados pueden permitirse. La mayoría de las tabernas de paga no sirven vino negro debido a su rareza y su precio.
On the tray, too was the metal vessel which had contained the black wine, steaming and bitter, from far Thentis, famed for its tarn flocks, the small yellow-enameled cups from which we had drunk the black wine, its spoons and sugars, a tiny bowl of mint sticks and the softened, dampened cloths on which we had wiped our fingers.
-- Explorers of Gor, 10
"What is that I smell?" I asked.
"Black wine," said she, "from the Mountains of Thentis."
I had heard of black wine, but had never had any. It is drunk in Thentis, but I had never heard of it being much drunk in other Gorean cities. Then I picked up one of the thick, heavy clay bowls. It was extremely strong, and bitter, but it was hot, and, unmistakably, it was coffee.
-- Assassin of Gor, 106
"Actually," I said to Elizabeth, "this is very rare. Thentis does not trade the beans for black wine. I have heard of a cup of black wine in Ar, some years ago, selling for a silver eighty-piece. Even in Thentis black wine is commonly only in High Caste homes."
-- Assassin of Gor, 107
From one side a slave girl, barefoot, bangled, in sashed, diaphanous, trousered chalwar, gathered at the ankles, in tight, red-silk vest, with bare midriff, fled to him, with the tall, graceful, silvered pot-containing the black wine. She was veiled. She knelt, replenishing the drink. Beneath her veil I saw the metal of her collar. I had not thought to have such fortune. She did not look at me. She returned to her place with the pot of black wine. Ibn Saran lifted another finger. From the side there hastened to him another girl, a fair-skinned, red-haired girl. She, too, wore veil, vest, chalwar, bangles, collar. She carried a tray, on which were various spoons and sugars. She knelt, placing her tray on the table. With a tiny spoon, its tip no more than a tenth of a hort in diameter, she placed four measures of white sugar, and six of yellow, in the cup; with two stirring spoons, one for the white sugar, another for the yellow, she stirred the beverage after each measure. She then held the cup to the side of her cheek, testing its temperature; Ibn Saran glanced at her; she, looking at him, timidly kissed the side of the cup and placed it before him. Then, her head down, she withdrew.
-- Tribesmen of Gor, 88
I decided I might care to taste the steaming, black wine. I lifted my finger. The girl in whose charge was the silver vessel, filled with black wine, knelt beside a tiny brazier, on which it sat, retaining its warmth. Seeing my signal, she stiffened; she hesitated. She was white, dark-haired. She wore a high, tight vest of red silk, with four hooks; her midriff was bare; she wore the sashed chalwar, a sashed, diaphanous trousered garment, full but gathered in, closely, at the ankles; she was barefoot; her wrists and ankles were bangled; she was veiled; she was collared. She rose swiftly to her feet. She knelt, head down, before me. She poured, carefully, the hot, black beverage into the tiny red cup. I dismissed her. Beneath her veil I had not been able to read the lettering on her collar, which would tell who owned her. I supposed it was Suleiman, since she was serving in the palace. The other girl, the white-skinned, red-haired girl, also in vest, chalwar and veil, and bangles and collar, lifted her tray of spoons and sugars. But I turned away. She was not summoned. The girls, white-skinned, were a matched set of slaves, one for the black wine, one for its sugars.
-- Tribesmen of Gor, 105
I glanced casually back to look upon her, kneeling beside, the slender, silvered, long-spouted vessel of black wine, resting over its tiny brazier, she only one of a pair, a matched set, of slaves.
-- Tribesmen of Gor, 108
Soon I smelled the frying of vulo eggs in a large, flat pan, and the unmistakable odor of coffee, or as the Goreans express it, black wine. The beans grow largely on the slopes of the Thentis mountains. The original beans, I suppose, had been brought, like certain other Gorean products, from Earth; it is not impossible, of course, that the opposite is the case, that black wine is native to Gor and that the origin of Earth's coffee beans is Gorean; I regard this as unlikely, however, because black wine is far more common on Earth than on Gor, where it is, except for the city of Thentis, a city famed for her tarn flocks, and her surrounding villages, a somewhat rare and unusual luxury.
-- Slave Girl of Gor, 73
I grinned, and washed down the eggs with a swig of hot black wine, prepared from the beans grown upon the slopes of the Thentis mountains. This black wine is quite expensive. Men have been slain on Gor for attempting to smuggle the beans out of the Thentian territories.
-- Beasts of Gor, 21
The two slaves, their chains removed, now returned, and began to serve the black wine. The voluptuous slave of Aemilianus, whom he had not yet named, placed the tiny silver cups, on small stands, before us. The lovely little slave in bluish gauze, whom I had not yet named, holding the narrow-spouted, silver pouring vessel in a heavy cloth, to protect her hands, poured the scalding, steaming black fluid, in narrow, tiny streams, into the small cups. She poured into the cups only the amount that would be compatible with the assorted sugars and creams which the guest might desire, if any, these being added in, and stirred, if, and as, pertinent, by Aemilianus' slave, who directed the serving.
"Second slave," I told her, which, among the river towns, and in certain cities, particularly in the north, is a way of indicating that I would take the black wine without creams or sugars, and as it came from the pouring vessel, which, of course, in these areas, is handled by the 'second slave', the first slave being the girl who puts down the cups, takes the orders and sees that the beverage is prepared according to the preferences of the one who is being served. The expression 'second slave', incidentally, serves to indicate that one does not wish creams or sugars with one's black wine, even if only one girl is serving.
-- Guardsman of Gor, 244
I lifted the tiny silver cup to my lips and took a drop of the black wine. Its strength and bitterness are such that it is normally drunk in such a manner, usually only a drop or a few drops at a time. Commonly, too, it is mollified with creams and sugars. I drank it without creams and sugars, perhaps, for I had been accustomed, on Earth, to drinking coffee in such a manner, and the black wine of Gor is clearly coffee, or closely akin to coffee. Considering its bitterness, however, if I had not been drinking such a tiny amount, and so slowly, scarcely wetting my lips, I, too, would surely have had recourse to the tasty, gentling additives with which it is almost invariably served.
-- Guardsman of Gor, 247
Sirve para hacer fértil a una esclava.
A beverage which conteracts slave wine, making a slave girl fertile also called second wine ... served in a chipped wooden cup.
-- Blood Brother of Gor, 319
Se sirve caliente, y es igual que el chocolate terrestre, si bien se cultiva en los trópicos de Gor y son los Mercaderes de Cos los que comercian con él.
"This is warmed chocolate," I said, pleased. It was very rich and creamy. "Yes, Mistress," said the girl. "It is very good," I said. "Thank you, Mistress," she said. "Is it from Earth?" I asked. "Not directly," she said. "Many things here, of course, ultimately have an Earth origin. It is not improbable that the beans from which the first cacao trees on this world were grown were brought from Earth." "Do the trees grow near here?" I asked. "No Mistress," she said, "we obtain the beans from which the chocolate is made, from Cosian merchants, who in turn, obtain them in the tropics.
-- Kajira of Gor, 61
VINO DE FALARIA (Eng. Falarian Wine)

Un vino tan escaso y preciado que con lo que cuesta podría comprarse una ciudad.
Among these petitioners came one fellow bringing with him the promise of a gift of wine, a wine supposedly secret, the rare Falarian, a wine only rumored among collectors to exist, a wine supposedly so rare and precious that its cost might purchase a city.
-- Mercenaries of Gor, 158
"There will be delicacies from as far away as Bazi and Anango," she said, "and we shall open vessels of Falarian from the private stores of the Ubar."
-- Magicians of Gor, 156

By one fire I could see a squat Tuchuk, hands on his hips, dancing and stamping about by himself, drunk on fermented milk curds, dancing, according to Kamchak, to please the sky.
-- Nomads of Gor, 28

The High Initiate had risen to his feet and accepted a goblet from another Initiate, probably containing minced flavored ices, for the day was warm. Free women, here and there, were delicately putting tidbits beneath their veils. Some even lifted their veils somewhat to drink of the flavored ices. Some low-caste free women drank through their veils, and there were yellow and purple stains on the rep-cloth.
-- Assassin of Gor, 141

de larma
de uva-ta
de fruta roja, parecida a la manzana de la Tierra (eng. red fruit juice)
de tospit (cítrico)
de macedonia
Almacenamieto: cámara fría
Se guarda en: jarras
Recipiente: cáliz
I purchased her some larma juice for a tarsk bit.
-- Mercenaries of Gor, 257

Los vinos son embotellados y sellados con tapón de corcho sellados con lacre a menudo con el sello del maestro vinicultor. Dos de los productores más famosos son Boleto, cuyos huertos dorados se extienden a las afueras de la ciudad de Ar y Anesidemus.
Puede servirse frío, a temperatura ambiente o calentado y con especias si se desea. A menudo se sirve en cáliz, si bien cuando se sirve caliente se puede servir en cuenco de arcilla adornado con esmaltes, llamado crátera (eng. krater) .
Puede simbolizar el amor romántico. Se rumorea a su vez, que este vino hace que la mujer que lo pruebe entre en calor hasta tal punto que puede hacer de cualquiera una esclava, si bien sólo por una hora.
También hay un vino de mesa blanco sin nombre, y es posible que a partir de las diferentes variedades de uva traídas en los primeros viajes de Adquisición, la exclusión del la piel y el pedúnculo de la ka-la-na llegue a producir un vino blanco. Sin embargo, no hay ninguna referencia en las Crónicas de la Contratierra ni a favor ni en contra de una variedad de vino blanco procedente de la ka-la-na.
Almacenamiento: botellero en cámara fría
Se guarda en: botella con tapón de corcho con el sello del vinicultor lacrado.
Recipiente: cáliz
Textura: vino tinto de tonos generosos
Almacenamiento: botellero en la zona de servicio
Se guarda en: botella con tapón de corcho con el sello del vinicultor lacrado.
Recipiente: cáliz
Textura: vino tinto de tonos generosos
Almacenamiento: junto a la chimenea
Se guarda en: tetera
Recipiente: cuenco de arcilla
Textura: vino tinto de tonos generosos y brillantes
After the meal I tasted the drink, which might not inappropriately be described as an almost incandescent wine, bright, dry, and powerful. I learned later it was called ka-la-na.
-- Tarnsman of Gor, 26
..and drops of a red, wine-like drink made from the fruit of the ka-la-na tree.
-- Tarnsman of Gor, 68
I went to his locker near the mat and got out his ka-la-na flask, taking a long draught myself and then shoving it into his hands. He drained the flask in one drink and wiped his hand across his beard, stained with the red juice of the fermented drink.
Tarnsman of Gor, page 168
"But that sort of thing is behind me now," she said to me, throwing back her head and quaffing deeply of the ruby-red ka-la-na in her cup.
-- Rogue of Gor, 20
The ka-la-na thicket was yellow in the distance.
-- Slave Girl of Gor, 250
"A small bottle," I said, "of the Slave Gardens of Anesidemus."
"I have heard that is a marvelous ka-la-na," said the free woman, her eyes alight.
"So, too, have I," I said.
"It is very expensive," said the woman.
"Are you familiar with it?" I asked.
"Oh," she said, lightly, "I have had it a few times."
"Do you like it?" I asked.
"Yes," she said. "Yes!"
-- Mercenaries of Gor, 344
"Oh, it is marvellous ka-la-na," she purred. I gathered that she had never before had such ka-la-na. True, it might run the buyer as much as three copper tarsks, a price for which some women can be purchased.
-- Mercenaries of Gor, 345
I turned the bottle so that she might read the label. It was a small bottle of Boleto's Nectar of the Public Slave Gardens. Boleto is a well-known winegrower from the vicinity of Ar. He is famous for the production of a large number of reasonably good, medium-grade ka-la-nas. This was one of the major wines, and perhaps the best, served in Ar's public slave gardens; indeed, it had originally been commissioned for that market, hence the name.
-- Mercenaries of Gor, 360
The guards had liked us, muchly, and had apparently expected that they would for, to our delight, they had purchased a small bottle of ka-la-na wine, in a wicker basket, which they had permitted us, swallow by swallow, to share. I had never tasted so rich and delicate a wine on Earth, and yet here, on this world, it cost only a copper tarn disk and was so cheap, and plentiful, that it might be given even to a female slave. I remembered each of the four swallows which I had had. I tasted them even still, with the meat and bread which I had eaten. It was the first Gorean fermented beverage which I had tasted. It is said that ka-la-na has an unusual effect on a female. I think it is true.
-- Captive of Gor, 114
I turned and, among the furnishings of the tent, found a bottle of ka-la-na, of good vintage, from the vineyards of Ar, the loot of a caravan raid. I then took the wine, with a small copper bowl, and a black, red-rimmed wine crater, to the side of the fire.
-- Captive of Gor, 331

Almacenamiento: chimenea
Se guarda en: tetera de cobre u olla pesada.
Recipiente: cuenco de arcilla para los Amos, cuenco con pie para las Amas.
An almost scalding hot drink made from distilled ka-la-na mixed with fruit juices such as tospit and larma with hot spices and served in a bowl.
-- Tarnsman of Gor, 170
Kalda is a hot drink, almost scalding, made of diluted Kalana wine, mixed with citrus juices and stinging spices. I did not care much for this mouth-burning concoction, but it was popular with some of the lower castes, particularly those whom performed strenuous manual labor. I expected its popularity was due more to its capacity to warm a man and stick to his ribs, and to its cheapness (a poor grade of Ka-la-na wine being used in its brewing) than to any gustatory excellence. Moreover, where there was Kal-da there should be bread and meat. I thought of the yellow Gorean bread, baked in the shape of round, flat loaves, fresh and hot; My mouth watered for a tabuk steak or, perhaps, if I were lucky, a slice of roast tarsk, the formidable six tusked wild boar of Gor?s temperate forests.
-- Outlaw of Gor, 76
I had hardly settled myself behind the table when the proprietor had placed a large, fat pot of steaming kal-da before me. It almost burned my hands to lift the pot. I took a long, burning swig of the brew and though, on another occasion, I might have thought it foul, tonight it sang through my body like the bubbling fire it was, a sizzling, brutal irritant that tasted so bad and yet charmed me so much I had to laugh.
-- Outlaw of Gor, 78
Even the proprietor slept, his head across his folded arms on the counter, behind which stood the great kal-da brewing pots, at last empty and cold.
-- Outlaw of Gor, 80
Other girls now appeared among the tables, clad only in a camisk and a silver collar, and suddenly, silently, began to serve the kal-da which Kron had ordered. Each carried a heavy pot of the foul, boiling brew and, cup by cup, replenished the cups of the men.
-- Outlaw of Gor, 226

In the north generally, mead, a dark amber drink made with fermented honey, and water, and often spices and such, tends to be favored over paga.
-- Vagabonds of Gor, 16
Almacenamiento: cámara fría
Se guarda en: barril o tonel
Recipiente: cuerno o jarra
Textura: oscura, color ámbar
Almacenamiento: zona de servicio, junto a la chimenea
Se guarda en: barril o tonel
Recipiente: cuerno o jarra
Textura: oscura, color ámbar
"Here Jarl," said Thyri, again handing me the horn. It was filled with the mead of Torvaldsland, brewed from fremented honey, think and sweet.
-- Marauders of Gor, 90
Bera went to the next man, to fill his cup with the mead, from the heavy hot tankard, gripped with cloth, which she carried.
-- Marauders of Gor, 78

Almacenamiento: cámara fría
Se guarda en: jarra
Recipiente: copa
Otros: disponible también en polvo
... the suckling of the young in the sand kaiila is a valuable trait in the survival of the animal; kaiila milk, which is used , like verr milk, by the peoples of the Tahari, is reddish, and has a strong, salty taste; it contains much ferrous sulphate
-- Tribesman of Gor, 71
The Wagon Peoples grow no food, nor do they have manufacturing as we know it. They are herders and, it is said, killers. They eat nothing that has touched the dirt. They live on the meat and milk of the bosk. They are among the proudest peoples on Gor, regarding the dwellers of the cities of Gor as vermin in holes, cowards who must fly behind walls, wretches who fear to live beneath the broad sky, who dare not dispute them the open, windswept plains of their world.
-- Nomads of Gor, 5
When the meat was ready, Kamchak ate his fill, and drank down, too, a flagon of bosk milk
-- Nomads of Gor, 139
The smell of fruit and vegetables, and verr milk was very strong.
-- Savages of Gor, 60
[Verr milk is] ... like goat's milk of earth ... served in tiny brass cups.
-- Savages of Gor, 61
Twice we stopped at palisaded villages, those of simple bosk herders. I liked these stops, for there we would have fresh bosk milk, still hot, and would have a roof over our heads for a night, be it only of grass.
-- Captive of Gor, 70
Too, I had brought up a small bowl of powdered bosk milk. We had finished the creams last night and, in any event, it was unlikely they would have lasted the night. If I had wanted creams I would have had to have gone to the market.
-- Guardsman of Gor, 295
I looked again upon the city in the distance. From here it looked very beautiful. Yet I knew that somewhere within it, perhaps within its crowded quarters, from which mobs might erupt like floods, or within its sheltered patios and gardens, where high ladies might exchange gossip, sip nectars and toy with dainty repasts, served to them by male silk slaves, or among its houses and towers, or on its streets or in the great baths, that somewhere there, somewhere behind those walls, was treason.
-- Mercenaries of Gor, 258

Almacenamiento: colgado en bodega
Se guarda en: piel de verr oscura o botellas grandes
Recipiente: cuenco con pie o cáliz para las Amas
Almacenamiento: botella de de cristal oscuro sobre estantería en la zona de servicio
Se guarda en: botella de cristal oscuro, recipientes de bronce o cuba
Recipiente: cuenco con pie o cáliz para las Amas
The Older Tarl and I may have drunk too much of that fermented brew concocted with fiendish skill from the yellow grain, sa-tarna, and called Pagar Sa-Tarna, Pleasure of the Life-Daughter, but almost always 'paga' for short.
-- Tarnsman of Gor, 43
He leaned over and tossed me a skin bag of Paga
-- Tarnsman of Gor, 78
"Your paga," said the nude slave girl, who served me, her wrists chained. "It is warmed as you wished." I took it from her, not even glancing upon her, and drained the goblet... I liked paga warm. One felt it so much the sooner that way.
---Raiders of Gor, p 100
... to the proprietor of the paga tavern, and took in return one of the huge bottles of paga, of the sort you put in a pouring sling...
-- Raiders of Gor, 111
Before we set out we broke open the great bottle of paga, and Thurnock, Clitus and I clashed goblets and emptied them of their swirling fires. Then we forced each of the girls, choking and sputtering, to themselves upturn a goblet, swilling down as best they could the fiery draught.
-- Raiders of Gor, 113
"Paga!" called the standing man. "Paga!" A blonde girl, nude, with a string of pearls wound about her steel collar, ran to the table and, from the bronze vessel, on its strap, about her shoulder, poured paga into the goblet before the seated man.
-- Rogue of Gor, 78
This is not unusual at an inn. The proportions, then, would be one part paga to five parts water. Commonly, at a paga tavern, the paga would be cut less, or not cut at all. When wine is drunk with Gorean meals, at home, incidentally, it is almost always diluted, mixed with water in a krater. At a party of convivial supper the host, or elected feast master, usually determines the proportions of water to wine. Unmixed wine, of course, may be drunk, for example, at the parties of young men, at which might appear dancers, flute slaves and such. Many Gorean wines, it might be mentioned, if only by way of explanation, are very strong, often having an alcohol content by volume of forty to fifty percent.
-- Renegades of Gor, 70
She knelt near the table... and put the paga, in a small kantharos
-- Renegades of Gor, 71
Many civilians, I believe, do not know why certain warriors, by habit, request their paga in metal goblets when dining in public houses.
---Renegades of Gor, p 77
I ordered another cup of paga. I played a game of kaissa with another guest of the tavern. The paga tasted a bit strange, but it was a local paga and there is variation in such pagas, generally a function of the brewer's choice of herbs and grains.
-- Explorers of Gor, 132
In most taverns no bottle is brought to the table but the paga is brought to the table, by the paga slave, a cup at a time, the cups normally being filled from a vat behind the counter.
-- Explorers of Gor, 158
I decided, if worse came to worst, that I could always go to a simple paga tavern where, if those of Tharna resembled those of Ko-ro-ba and Ar, one might , curled in a rug behind the low tables, unobtrusively spend the night for the price of a pot of paga, a strong, fermented drink brewed from the yellow grains of Gor?s staple crop, Sa-Tarna, or Life-Daughter. The expression is related to Sa-Thassna, the expression for meat, or food in general, which means Life-Mother. Paga is a corruption of Pagar-Sa-Tarna, which means Pleasure of the Life-Daughter.
-- Outlaw of Gor, 74
The girls filled their vessels, which, like the hydria, or water vessel, are high-handled, for dipping, in a large kettle hung simmering over a fire near the entrance to the enclosure. Warm paga makes one drunk quicker, it is thought... Some Cosians tend to be fond of hot paga.
-- Vagabonds of Gor, 16

Clear wine made from the palm leaf fruits and export of Schendi ... one of her most delicious exports ... served in a goblet
-- Explorers of Gor, 115

Brewed from the pith of the rence plant, it is a drink of the rence growers of the Delta of the Vosk. ...
At such times there is drinking of rence beer, steeped, boiled and fermented from the crushed seeds and the whitish pith of the plant.
-- Raiders of Gor, 18
I had carried bowls of cut, fried fish, and wooden trays of roasted tarsk meat, and roasted gants threaded on sticks, and rence cakes and porridges, and goard flagons, many times replenished, of rence beer.
-- Raiders of Gor, 44

Brewed from bitter herbs used for slave conterceptive, taken once a month ... served in a chipped wooden bowls from a kettle by the fires.
-- Marauders of Gor

Almacenamiento: colgada en la bodega
Se guarda en: bota de verr de piel blanca
Recipiente: cuenco con pie, o copa para las Amas
Almacenamiento: botella de cristal claro en las estanterías de la zona de servicio
Se guarda en: botella de cristal claro
Recipiente: cuenco con pie, o copa para las Amas
Sul paga is, when distilled, though the sul itself is yellow, as clear as water. The sul is a tuberous root of the sul plant; it is a Gorean staple. He could have been commenting only on the potentcy of the drink, for sul paga is almost tasteless. One does not guzzle sul paga.
-- Slave Girl of Gor, 134
Sul paga, as anyone knew, is seldom available outside of a peasant village, where it is brewed. Sul paga would slow a thalarion. To stay on your feet after a mouthful of sul paga it is said one must be of the peasants, and then for several generations. And even then, it is said, it is difficult to manage. There is a joke about the baby of a peasant father being born drunk nine months later.
-- Slave Girl of Gor, 414

A wine made from Ta grapes from the isle of Cos ... served at room temperature in a goblet
-- Fighting Slave of Gor, 306
Almacenamiento: botellero en bodega
Se guarda en: botella con tapón de corcho
Recipiente: cáliz
Almacenamiento: botellero en la zona de servicio
Se guarda en: botella con tapón de corcho
Recipiente: copa
One girl held our head back, and others, from goblets, gave us of wines, Turian wine, sweet and thick, Ta wine, from the famed Ta grapes, from the terraces of Cos, wines even, ka-la-nas, sweets and dry, from distant Ar
-- Tribesmen of Gor. 213

The liqueurs of Turia are usually regarded as the best, but I think this is largely a matter of taste. Those of Cos and Ar, and of certain other cities, are surely very fine.
-- Kajira of Gor, 406
First from the kitchen, bearing her tray, came the voluptuous slave of Aemilianuus. Behind her, too with her tray, came the little dark-haired slave. In a moment both were deferentially serving. The collared softness of the dark-haired girl well set off the the metal of the tray, and the small multicolored glasses and bottles upon it.
-- Guardsman of Gor, 254

-- Explorers of Gor, 10
I did not much care for the sweet, syrupy wines of Turia, flavored and sugared to the point where one could almost leave one's fingerprint on their surface.
-- Nomads of Gor, 83
La disponibilidad de agua potable y la forma de adquirirla depende de la zona, la cultura, así como de los recursos y la tecnología disponibles. Hay pozos en el Desierto de Tahari, acueductos en las ciudades, cubos llenados a orillas de los ríos en los campamentos, y muchas otras maneras de obtener agua.
Almacenamiento: bodega o cámara de frío
Se guarda en: jarra
Recipiente: copa
stored: cold room
kept in: cántaros o jarras
vessel: cáliz
Another useful source of water is the liana vine. One makes the first cut high, over one's head, to keep the water from being withdrawn by contraction and surface adhesion up the vine. The second cut, made a foot or so from the ground, gives a vine tube which, drained, yields in the neighborhood of a liter of water.
-- Explorers of Gor, 311

In the hall was a open circle of small tables, at which a handful of guests, on cushions and mats, reclined. There were four men and two women at these tables, other than the Lady Florence, the hostess, and her guest of the past several days, the Lady Melpomene. The tables were covered with cloths of glistening white and a service of gold. Before each guest there were tiny slices of tospit and larma, small pastries, and in a tiny golden cup, with a small golden spoon, the clustered, black, tiny eggs of the white grunt. The first wine, a light white wine, was being deferentially served by Pamela and Bonnie.
-- Fighting Slave of Gor, 275-276
Cántaro (gr. Kantharos):
Generalmente llamados en los libros de John Norman "cuenco con pie" se usan frecuentemente para beber vino y paga. Es un recipiente para beber procedente de la cerámica del Ática (Attic Greek) durante el período de las figuras rojas y negras. Tiene forma de copa honda con asas en forma de aro que nacen de la base del recipiente y sobresalen de su boca. Diseñados para beber vino, esta modalidad era muy popular en Etruria y se exportó a lo largo del Mediterráneo a finales del siglo VII y el siglo VI a. C. Fabricado habitualmente en arcilla o metales más caros. Se han encontrado cientos de cántaros en las tumbas etruscas, junto con otros recipientes de cerámica usados para comida y bebida, como parte de ritos funerarios y ofrendas mortuorias. [Enciclopedia Británica]
Un kílix (plural kílix o kílices; a veces transcrito por error como kylix) es una copa para beber vino, con un cuerpo relativamente poco profundo y ancho levantado sobre un pie y con dos asas dispuestas simétricamente.
El círculo de interior casi plano sobre la base de interior de la copa, llamado tondo, fue la superficie principal para la decoración pintada en los kílix de figuras negras o figuras rojas del siglo VI y V a. C. Como las representaciones estaban cubiertas de vino, las escenas sólo se revelaban por etapas cuando el vino se apuraba. Fueron a menudo diseñados con esto en mente, con escenas creadas con el propósito de que sorprendieran al bebedor al quedar al descubierto. [Wikipedia].
Recipiente utilizado para meclar vino y agua. En el Simposio Griego, las cráteras se colocaban en el centro de lo la estancia. Son bastante grandes así que no se pueden trasladar fácilmente una vez llenos. Así que la mezcla de vino y agua se sirve extrayéndola de la cratera con otros recipientes. De hecho, en el Libro 9 de la Odisea de Homero, se describe cómo un somelier extraía el vino de la crátera e iba de aquí para allá vertiéndolo en las copas de los invitados. Se esmaltaban por dentro para que la superficie de la arcilla retuviera mejor el agua, y posiblemente también por motivos estéticos, ya que se podía ver el interior. [Wikipedia].
Muchos vinos goreanos tienen una alta graduación, entre en 40º y 50º: En comparación, los vinos terrestres sólo tienen unos 6º. Por ello, el vino se corta generalmente con agua, Esto ocurre normalmente en las casas, durante las comidas, en algunas fiestas y en algunas tabernas. Una crátera de vino o bien un cuenco se utiliza para ello. "Crátera" (del griego "krater" es un término que se significa "cuenco para mezclar". Si el vino no se corta, se puede servir en cantidades muy pequeñas. En fiestas y tabernas con más pompa, el vino rara vez de corta y si se hace es muy poco.
Hay varios recipientes comunes en las tabernas de Gor. Generalmente no hay restricciones sobre qué copa o cuenco se utiliza para servir una bebida en concreto. La paga y el vino se pueden servir casi en cualquier recipiente. La mayoría de las tabernas se sirven en recipientes comunes de metales baratos o cerámica. No se encontrarán en ellas recipientes de oro o plata. Sólo las tabernas más caras pueden disponer de tales objetos de tanto valor.
Las copas, de varios materiales, son el recipiente más común en las tabernas. Algunas tienen anillas, quizá 4 ó 5 alrededor de la copa, y un Amo puede pedir que se llene su copa hasta cierta anilla. A veces también se utilizan recipientes con forma de cuenco. Algunas personas utilizan cuernos para beber. La Gente de las Caravanas y los habitantes de Torvaldsland utilizan cuernos.
Una bota es un frasco de cuero que se usa generalmente para la paga y el vino. La mayoría de las botas se hacen con piel de verr. La bota se estruja para liberar un chorro de líquido. Las suelen llevar los viajeros, al ser fáciles de transportar y difíciles de que se rompan. No se suelen usar para almacenar bebida en una taberna de paga. Tanto el vino como la paga se pueden vender en botellas de varios tamaños.
Una "hydria", otro término griego es un recipiente para el agua con asas altas. Es curioso que el nombre de la mayoría de lso recipientes goreanos tienen origen griego.
Buscar en los escritos de Norman, muestra al lector que a pesar de que las botas se utilizan generalmente para almacenar provisiones de bebida durante los viajes, también se utilizan calabazas y garrafas. Sin embargo para el uso cotidiano, se suelen emplear barricas. Otras bebidas se almacenan en botellas, y se mantienen en ellas hasta que están listas para servirse o bien para calentarse en ollas donde se mezclan (como pasa con el Kal-da) o en grandes teteras (como la paga y la hidromiel). Parece ser que el vino se calienta en servicios individuales, en el momento en que se solicita.
El servicio de bebidas fermentadas o calentadas, se realiza bien rellenando el recipiente en la olla o la tetera donde se mezcla, hundiendo el recipiente en la olla, o usando un cazo, o se lleva a los Amos en una jarra.
El servicio de vino y otras bebidas sin calentar, también se realiza llenando recipientes individuales o llevando la botella, en un portabotellas, a las mesas.
Los recipientes que se usan para las diferentes bebidas no son tan específicos como cabría pensar. Norman muestra cerveza servida en tanques, aguamiel en cuernos, vino en copas... y paga servida en prácticamente cualquier recipiente disponible... desde bebida directamente de una bota a cálices con piedras incrustadas. Parece haber consistencia en el hecho de que las bebidas calientes se sirven en cuencos, a excepción, por supuesto del vino negro, el té y el chocolate caliente... para los cuales se menciona el uso de tazas.
My house, incidentally, like most Gorean houses, had no ice chest. There is little cold storage on Gor. Generally food is preserved by being dried or salted. Some cold storage, of course, does exist. Ice is cut from ponds in the winter, and then stored in ice houses, under sawdust.
-- Guardsman of Gor, 295
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